Thursday, April 28, 2011

Olive Garden

I just got back from Olive Garden durring bring your child to work day. My aunt works there.
It was so much fun. If you went to bring your child to work day then will you please tell me about it. I
always love some good stroys.

Awesome Arkles

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I know I have'nt been on my blog in sooooooooooo long but I  have reasons. I have been super busy.
You all have probably have been too. I have an awesome update. My small novel I am currently in process
on makeing is comming along quite nicely. : ) Gtg I promase I will keep bloging. Until then,
Bye awesome viewers.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We Are SO Adorable


Sorry I haven't blogged in FOREVER!!!!!
I don't really know what to say. Oh I know.

Did you know that I am writing a small novel. It's called Stained Glass.
I'll give you the latest updates on it.
Stay Tuned
Awesome Arkles

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hi. hope your weekend is awesome! Mine is. So...
Bye awesome viewers!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day

Today is a snow day. It is great to be away from school, but at the same time it is boring. There is absolutly nothing to do exsept bloging. If your reading this than please give me advice on how to not be bord on a snow day.
Awesome Arkles

Saturday, January 15, 2011


These quotes I found and hope you live by them as I do, "The best way to predict your future is to create it."
       "Aspire to a lower level of harm"               Hope you like 'em

Monday, January 10, 2011


Does school ever stress you out? Well to me it does. I worry about up comming assiments and things happening in my life like after school activities. Help me on how to relieve stress.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Do you know the best cookie in the world? they are Snickerdoodles! They are so good and taste the best. If you have never eaten one then you should. If you don't like them then you are a weirdo. Any way they are so good. Eat them now!!!!! TTYL
Awesome Arkles

Grenade By Bruno Mars

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome, do you want to know what is so Awesome every thing!! Dogs, cats, people, animals, family, and FRIENDS
Whats up all my peeps? ( and you know who you are)

Paintings (That I Made)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Follow your dream

Follow your dream,
make your dreams come true.
Be yourself
don't let people interfear with you.
show your pupose in life.
Let your inner star shine and
follow your dreams

Be Earths best friend

Be Earths best friend and help Earth with its problem. Please!!!! Just think about the Earth every day and do all you can. It means the world to me and Random Rangler
laughing pickles! hahhahahahahh......pickle........hhahahhah..........pickle

First Blog

Hey peeps! This is Awesome Arkles here! And this is my first blog EVER! What I am going to be blogging about is all things Awesome! So wish me luck!